Senin, 28 Maret 2011


Dated Released : 7 October 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Country : Iran
Starring : Amin Zendegani, Mahmood Pakniat, Elham H
Genre : Drama | History

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[subtitle menyusul]
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Dated Released : 2011
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Runtime : USA: 81 min
Starring : Sarah Hyland, Denise Richards, James Belushi
Genre : Comedy

Download Files: part1 - part2 - part3 [450MB-mkv]|eu
[subtitle menyusul]
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Tips Menambah RAM dengan Flashdisk

Waktu jalan - jalan cari informasi seputar komputer, ga sengaja nemu artikel yang sangat - sangat berguna ini. jadi aja di re-post kesini. Silahkan membaca info yang menarik dan sangat bermanfaat ini....

RAM (Random Acces Memory) atau sering disebut dengan memori merupakan bagian penting dari sebuah komputer. RAM berfungsi untuk menyimpan dan mengolah data sementara atau juga bisa juga disebut dengan working storage, yaitu berfungsi sebagai tempat meloading program-program yang kita jalankan. Bersifat sementara karena ketika komputer dimatikan data tersebut akan hilang.
 Ketika kita membuka suatu aplikasi/program maka hal tersebut akan menyita kapasitas RAM dan semakin banyak aplikasi yang kita buka (load) maka hal tersebut akan dapat menghabiskan kapasitas RAM yang ada. Akibatnya adalah komputer dapat menjadi crash/hang. Jika sudah demikian, kita dapat kehilangan data yang belum sempat kita simpan pada harddisk dan yang paling menjengkelkan kita harus merestart ulang komputer dan bekerja mulai dari nol lagi.

Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut biasanya kita menambah RAM dengan cara membeli RAM yang baru. Bagi yang berkantong tebal, hal tersebut bukan menjadi masalah yang berarti namun sebaliknya bagi yang berkantong tipis hal tersebut akan menjadi masalah tersendiri karena harus mengeluarkan uang untuk itu.

Ada solusi yang mungkin lebih hemat, yaitu dengan mengoptimalkan flashdisk yang kita punyai untuk dijadikan sebagai RAM. Dengan demikian, kita tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang lagi untuk menambah RAM. Masalah berikutnya adalah apakah hal tersebut bisa dilakukan? Bisa, yaitu dengan menggunakan software khusus yang bernama eboostr.

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Pertama, kita harus melakukan pengunduhan softwarenya terlebih dahulu. Untuk melakukan download, silakan di sini.

Kedua, setelah file kita download, klik double file eboostr.exe-nya hingga muncul dialog seperti di bawah ini.

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Keempat, klik lanjut saja hingga muncul jendela yang berisi tentang license produk, seperti di bawah ini.

Kelima, kemudian klik “Saya Setuju” hingga akan muncul jendela di mana kita akan meletakkan file instalasi di computer, seperti di bawah ini.

Keenam, jika tidak ingin diubah, klik “maju” saja hingga muncul jendela di mana kita akan meletakkan aplikasi tersebut pada menu Start, seperti di bawah ini.

Ketujuh, klik “install” untuk memulai penginstallan eboostr hingga akan muncul jendela proses installasi seperti di bawah ini.

Kedelapan, tunggu hingga proses installasi selesai. Dan ketika selesai maka kita akan mendapati jendela konfirmasi bahwa untuk menyelesaikan proses installasi computer harus direstart.

Kesembilan, kemudian pilih “reboot sekarang” kemudian klik “selesai”. Pastikan semua aplikasi telah ditutup dan semua data telah kita simpan pada harddisk.

Kesepuluh, setelah restart berarti proses installasi selesai.

Menjalankan Eboostr

Setelah restart dan proses installasi selesai, kita sudah dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut.

Pertama, jalankan eboostr dengan cara [Start] >> [All Program] >> pilih eboostr Control Panel hingga akan jendela seperti di bawah ini.

Kedua, klik “tambah” pada menu yang ada di sebelah kanan hingga akan muncul jendela seperti di bawah ini. Pilih atau klik flashdisk di mana akan kita jadikan sebagai RAM.

Ketiga, pilih OK kemudian tunggu beberapa saat karena computer sedang mengalokasikan File Chace pada flasdisk, seperti di bawah ini.

Keempat, jika berhasil maka kita akan mempunyai dua RAM, yaitu RAM flashdisk dan RAM itu sendiri, seperti kita lihat pada jendela di bawah ini.

Kelima, selesai

Dengan menambah RAM tersebut, kecepatan baca menjadi naik beberapa kali lipat, seperti kita lihat pada control panel di atas.

Oh, iya jika ingin menghentikan Flashdisk sebagai RAM maka pada eboostr control panel, klik pada RAM flashdisk kemudian klik menu “lepaskan”. Beres!!!

Setelah itu, kita akan melihat hanya RAM yang “asli” saja yang keliatan, seperti di bawah ini.

Selamat Mencoba!!!
Download eboostr.exe
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Burnout Paradise - The Ultimate Box

Burnout Paradise reinvigorated Criterion's ultra-successful smash-up racing series when it launched this time last year on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box brings the series' trademark racing action to the PC for the first time. With solid online and offline play, an almost staggering number of events, and more than 70 vehicles, Ultimate Box is at the front of the PC racer pack.

The amount of variety in the game is huge, and how you approach it is up to you; explore Paradise City's open world at leisure, unlock the 70-plus vehicles one at a time through single-player events, or join other players for races and challenges online. Couple this deep variety with the fact that it's hugely fun, and Burnout Paradise is easy to recommend. In addition to all of the content from the original console game, Ultimate Box also includes all of Burnout Paradise's downloadable content released to date. First up, there's Codename: Cagney, which adds the Stunt Run, Marked Man, and Road Rage modes to online multiplayer. The Bikes pack adds two-wheeled racing and a day/night cycle to the series for the first time. And last, there's Burnout Party, the first paid-for content to hit the game. Burnout Party is a pass-the-controller-style offline party mode for two to eight players and is a fun new way to experience Burnout.

Gameplay options are largely unchanged from the console version and include normal race, Stunt Run, Marked Man, Road Rage, and Burning Route. For those new to the Burnout series, in Stunt Run you chain together drifts, jumps, and boosts to achieve combos; in Road Rage events you need to eliminate opponents by smashing them into traffic or objects; and in Marked Man you have to reach the finish line before your opponents can destroy your car. Burning Route consists of time trials from point to point, and by completing them you'll unlock an upgraded model of your current ride. Unlike in Burnout 3, The crash mode and aftertouch takedowns from Burnout 3 are missing from Paradise, but it does have the Showtime mode, which lets you take control of a wreck through the streets of Paradise City and rack up a damage bill in the process. Showtime mode isn't as strategically crafted as the challenges in Crash mode, but you'll still get to dish out plenty of carnage on unsuspecting traffic.

The biggest new feature this time around is the Burnout Paradise Party Pack, which adds an offline pass-the-controller multiplayer challenge mode for up to eight friends. Once you've set up the number of players and game types, you'll compete in a series of minigames where you earn points for successfully passing a challenge or beating your opponents' scores. The Party Pack offers instant gameplay for when you and your friends don't want to compete in longer, more demanding events, and it consists of three challenge types: stunts, skill, and speed. Stunts are a collection of insane tricks, such as successfully landing a cliff-top jump. Skill challenges include driving into oncoming traffic with boost on for as long as possible. Speed challenges might have you smashing a few billboards and then racing back to the start within a designated time limit. The Party Pack is a great addition that finally brings offline multiplayer to Burnout Paradise.

Getting online is as simple as hitting a button during gameplay, at which point you'll join your friends or enter a random lobby. The online mode is seamless, and there are no loading times; you can drop in and out of online games at will. You can set up simple point-to-point races all over the city when hosting a multiplayer session, or tackle a Freeburn Challenge set by the developers, with different challenges depending on the number of players. Burnout Paradise included 350 challenges, and there are now an additional 140 challenges with the new packs. The challenge types are varied and include straight races, beat-the-clock events, jumping over other players' rides, and other more-complex multipart challenges, such as meeting at a designated place and racing a route to an end point while hitting specific jumps along the way. Challenges are a lot of fun, especially when you have a large group of friends to play with, and they give the online play a lot of longevity.You'll spend the majority of your time in Paradise City on four wheels, but there's an option to use just two. Bikes are a great addition to the game; and while you can only compete in time trial events, there are different events for daytime and nighttime. Bikes come without boost since they're already blisteringly fast, and they won't take damage either. All of the bikes are extremely light and nimble and are so fast that they almost make the cars feel a tad sluggish by comparison. While it would have been great to see damage modelling on the bikes, and more bikes included, you're guaranteed to have a blast with the two bikes at the start and the two upgraded models you can unlock after completing all of the time trials.

Visually, the PC version is even more of a sumptuous feast than its console brethren. Running at its highest resolution, Paradise City has never looked crisper or more vibrant. Cars smash, pop, scrape, and deform just as you'd expect, and the particle effects make the wanton destruction seem real. The weather effects brought in with the Bikes pack look great, with fog, glowing nighttime neon, and the half-light of dusk all rendered with style.

The audio is also top-notch, with traffic and ambient noises providing a backdrop for the high-pitched whines and throaty growls of the game's cars and bikes. Unfortunately, DJ Atomica is back again from Burnout 3 and is still an irritation for the most part. With its bland and generic rock soundtrack, the audio certainly doesn't live up to the high standards set by the visuals. While there are a few notable artists, including Guns N' Roses (providing the game's title track), Jane's Addiction, LCD Soundsystem, and Faith No More, these are outnumbered by the generic guitar rock and electronic tracks from past Burnout games and tracks from a number of less-illustrious artists.Emerging a year after the original console release, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box doesn't just manage to keep up with the pace of the competition; it's at the front of the pack. If you own one of the console versions and already have the DLC packs, there's no major benefit to upgrading, but if you're new to Burnout Paradise, The Ultimate Box is the best Burnout experience to date. With a mass of online and offline events and modes, dozens of cars, the addition of bike and night races, and an all-new party mode for up to eight friends, The Ultimate Box is instantly gratifying and long-lasting high-octane entertainment.

Minimum System Requirements :
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 2.8 GHz (3.2 GHz for Vista)
Memory: 1 GB (1.5 GB for Vista)
Hard Drive: 4 GB Free
Video Memory: 128 MB (Shader Model 3.0+)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c or 10

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part 3

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Assassin's Creed

Assassin's Creed features one of the most unique gameworlds ever created: beautiful, memorable, and alive. Every crack and crevasse is filled with gorgeous, subtle details, from astounding visual flourishes to overheard cries for help. But it's more than just a world--it's a fun and exciting action game with a ton of stuff to do and places to explore, rounded out with a complex story that will slowly grab you the more you play. The PC version has a few more issues than its console counterparts, and the keyboard-and-mouse controls strip away some of the smooth magic of exploration. Nevertheless, if you don't mind plugging in a gamepad and have a system that exceeds the system requirements, you'll find the same free-form travels and atmospheric game world that console owners enjoyed last year.

Not enough can be said about the living, breathing universe that you'll inhabit in Assassin's Creed. As assassin extraordinaire Altair, you'll explore three major cities of the Holy Land in the 12th century: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Acre. Each city is beautifully rendered from top to bottom and features meticulously crafted towers that reach for the sky, bustling market squares, and quiet corners where citizens converse and drunks lie in wait to accost you. As you wander the streets (and rooftops), you'll push your way through crowds of women carrying jars on their heads, hear orators shout political and religious wisdom, and watch town guards harass innocent victims. Altair has a profound effect on this world, but the cities are entities all their own, with their own flows and personalities.The visual design has a lot to do with how believably organic everything feels. The cities are absolutely huge, and though you don't get full exploration privileges in the first few chapters, they eventually open up to let you travel seamlessly from one side to another. Everything is beautifully lit with just the right amount of bloom effect, and almost everything casts a shadow, from tall pillars to Altair's cloak. In fact, sometimes the shadows get to be a bit much and may make you think for a moment that there is artifacting on your screen, when in fact it's a character's head casting a shadow on his or her own neck. Every object, from scaffolds to pottery, is textured so finely that you'll feel as if you could reach out and touch it. Animations are almost as equally well done. Altair scales walls, leaps majestically from towers, and engages in swashbuckling swordfights that would make Errol Flynn proud. And he does it all with fluid ease, generally moving from one pose to another without a hitch. Minor characters move with less aplomb, but that's easy to forgive, considering that the cities are populated with thousands and thousands of individuals.

On a high-powered PC, these elements look even more stunning than they did on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but the splendor comes with a price: The minimum requirements to play Assassin's Creed are surprisingly high, particularly where the CPU is concerned (a dual-core processor is mandatory). On one test PC that runs Crysis at a respectable frame rate on medium settings, Assassin's Creed slowed to a crawl at lower settings. A high-end test machine ran the game with much better results, though with some occasional slowdown.

What you hear is even more impressive than what you see. At the top of a temple, you hear little but the rush of wind, the twittering of birds, and the barking of a far-off dog. In the most populated areas, your ears will fill with the din of street vendors, the pleas of beggars, and the occasional humming. It's never too much, though, and the game does a good job of making sure you hear what you need to hear (for example, the cries of citizens who need your help) without filling your ears with pointless noise. The voice acting of the supporting cast is similarly remarkable. Conversations are completely believable and delivered with the perfect amount of solemn dignity. Oddly, the weakest link is Altair himself. Actor Philip Shahbaz does an all right job, but he isn't up to par with the first-rate acting of his fellow troupe. Rounding it all out is a beautiful orchestral score that is most notable for its subtlety. Many of the game's most impressive moments are accompanied by lovely musical themes that add even more threads to the game's rich living tapestry. We did run into some audio glitches on two of our three test systems, however, in which sound effects would occasionally stutter and hitch. The game's readme file included a potential workaround for this issue, though in our case, it didn't solve it.

The story that binds it all together rises to the occasion. Actually, there are two related stories in play. The unfolding drama of Crusades-era Palestine is a mere memory, forcibly pulled from a modern-day bartender named Desmond by a resolute researcher using a machine called an animus. The memories aren't Desmond's own--they are Altair's, stored safely in the hapless subject's genetic code. We follow Altair as he assassinates nine public figures at the command of his master, and as the common thread that ties these men comes into focus, so does the true identity of Desmond's captors. There are no cutscenes in the traditional sense; every bit of story exposition and dialogue flows smoothly from the gameplay and takes place entirely within the game engine. The ending is confusing and blatantly leaves open the possibility of a sequel, but this is a small blemish on an otherwise stirring tale. Altair's world is not one of absolutes. His assassination targets aren't always evil, and Altair isn't always likable. As he is fond of reminding us, "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.Of course, such an authentic world would be meaningless without a lot of fun things to do in it. Thankfully, Assassin's Creed is endlessly entertaining in that it features a fine mix of stealthy exploration, tight platforming, and exciting combat. To discover the whereabouts of your assassination targets, you must first follow up on possible leads. There are several different mission types in this regard. In some cases, you sit on a bench and listen in on secret conversations. At other times, you will closely follow someone carrying an important letter that you'll pickpocket. Alternately, you can beat the information out of your target. There are also some tasks specific to this version of the game. Oddly, some of these new missions feel more contrived than the others, such as timed sprints and escort tasks in which guards execute scripted attacks as you move to your destination. Since the game's greatest strengths lie in its unscripted events, these additional tasks feel less organic than the others. On the other hand, missions that let you silently assassinate rooftop archers and fling guards into market stands are more interesting and fit better into the game's sandbox world.

There are also some optional missions, such as rescuing innocent townspeople from the clutches of guards. The reward for doing so is a group of vigilantes who will hang out in the area afterward and hinder any foes chasing you. It's also a good way to try out Assassin's Creed's combat, which is surprisingly satisfying, considering the game's focus on sneaking around. You can pounce on enemies using your hidden blade (an incredibly rewarding one-stab kill), or use throwing daggers to take enemies down from a distance. However, your sword is your melee mainstay, and though the hack-and-slash combat may seem simple at first, it gets more challenging once you unlock the various countermoves. Often, you'll have a dozen or more attackers to fend off at once, but though these fights can be a little tricky, you'll never feel as if you're in over your head. In fact, the few circumstances in which you are forced into combat--such as a late-game boss fight against a seemingly endless crowd of attackers and their leering leader--are challenging and require some pitch-perfect timing to counter every strike and lunge.

Nevertheless, brute force is rarely the best way to handle a situation. You want to slink unnoticed through the crowds, but you can draw attention to yourself in a number of ways--whether it's galloping past a guard station on a horse, knocking pottery off of someone's head, or getting so frustrated by the various beggars that you fling them away from you. (And trust us--these are the most aggressive panhandlers you'll ever meet.) If you antagonize the guards, they'll give chase. Yes, you can stick around and fight, and though it's never the easiest option, breaking stealth does not damn you to death like it does in other sneaking games. But why not lure them to a rooftop? Once up there, you can grab them and fling them to the street below. Or if there are too many of them, you can jump across the rooftops gracefully until you find a hiding place, such as a nice bale of hay or a curtained garden. Once you're hidden, they'll give up the chase and you'll be free to roam about again.

You can also seek refuge in small groups of scholars who serve as mobile hiding places. It's a bit contrived to walk into a stationary cluster of scholars and have them suddenly start moving simply because you're there, but it gets the job done. Actually, if there's any drawback to the usually excellent gameplay, it's how synthetic certain elements feel. Vigilantes are always in the same spot, missions reset if you don't get them right the first time, and those same guards will harass that citizen an hour after you pass by. It's easy to forgive these quirks, though, given the easygoing flow of the world surrounding these pockets of gameplay.Climbing up buildings and jumping around the rooftops is fun and breezy, though keyboard jockeys should be warned that the mouse and keyboard don't deliver the best way to experience the game's fluidity. With a controller, the face buttons are mapped to correspond with Altair's head, hands, and legs; with a keyboard and mouse, the wonder of that arrangement is lost. It's also a bit tougher to time counterattacks using the mouse buttons, though players without controllers needn't worry too much: It's still a relatively comfortable setup. Of course, you can attach a controller, and we were able to use two different gamepads, including an Xbox 360 controller, with success.

Regardless of your preferred scheme, you can leap across alleys and scale walls with ease, and though it's possible to launch yourself from a wall or hurtle through a vendor's booth by accident, these moments aren't very common. You'd think that a city specifically designed to let you climb structures and caper about the roofs would look overly artificial, yet there's never a moment when you will think to yourself, "Wow, that looks like a place where I'm supposed to jump." The architecture looks completely natural, which makes Altair's abilities all the more exciting to pull off. The environments don't look as if they were created for him to climb around on; he just uses the hand he's been dealt, as any good assassin should.

In Assassin's Creed, the greatest joy comes from the smallest details, and for every nerve-racking battle, there's a quiet moment that cuts to the game's heart and soul. Climbing towers to uncover portions of the map is a simple mechanic but forever satisfying, thanks to the beautiful vistas and soft musical themes that accompany the view. Even the beggars that pester you are amusing and fun, though their constant shoving can be annoying when you're trying to pickpocket a pedestrian or eliminate a target without a fuss. It all makes your missions that much more compelling, and you'll be inclined to explore every nook and cranny and take on every optional task just for the fun of it. There's a ton of stuff to do, and even when you've exhausted your official tasks, you can search for the collectible flags and crosses strewn around the cities and countryside. You could probably plow through the main quest in 20 hours or less, but completists might spend many more finishing every quest and gathering every flag.

The PC version of Assassin's Creed isn't the superior one, but this is a case where translation to the PC resulted in some minor hiccups rather than obvious gaffes. If you don't have the opportunity to play it on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, you should pick up a copy and immerse yourself in its memorable world. It's the kind of game you want to show your friends even if they're not into games, and if you have a high-powered computer, it's one that should be in your collection.
minimum requirements:

Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista (only)
Processor: Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ or better recommended)
RAM: 2 GB (3 GB recommended)
Video Card: 256 MB DirectX 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher (512 MB video card recommended) (see supported list)*
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 or 10.0 compliant sound card (5.1 sound card recommended)
DirectX Version: DirectX 10.0 libraries (included on disc)
DVD-ROM: DVD-ROM dual-layer drive
Hard Drive Space: 12 GB

Peripherals Supported:
Keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)

*Supported Video Cards at Time of Release:
ATI RADEON X1300-1950 / HD 2000 / 3000 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6600-6800 / 7 / 8 / 9 series

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part 2 part 7
part 3 part 8
part 4 part 9
part 5 part 10
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Click Insert To Menu che*t/Home To OFF che*t
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Ctrl + 3 = 9x Damag
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Ctrl + 5 = No Delay
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Microsoft Office adalah program Shareware yang sangat banyak digunakan untuk aktiftas misal diperkantoran. Tentu anda semua kenal dengan program ini. Namun tahukah anda bahwa program ini adalah berbayar. Tapi saya tidak membayar, cuma beli CD buat burning programnya. Ya berarti anda dan saya adalah pembajak. :mrgreen: .
Pada saat akan menginstall program MS Office ini tentunya akan diminta memasukkan serial number atau produk key. Lalu dimana produk key tersebut. Cari digoogle banyak kok. haha. kalo ga pake ini aja mudah-mudahn bisa
MS Office 2003 :
MS Office 2007 :
pilih salah satu serial number yang di atas, Kalo serial number diatas ga bisa cari ,cari aja di mbah google,Jika anda mendapat pekerjaan untuk menginstall MS Office tentunya sangat mudah, hanya tinggal klik file setup.exe nya terus masukkan produk key dan next -next aja. selesai deh. Tapi kalo itu cuma satu komputer saja. Lalu bagaimana kalo ada 10, 20, atau 100 komputer. Apa tidak capek memasukkan serial numbernya? :?:
Namun masalah diatas dapat diatasi dengan Auto Enter Product Key When Installing Microsoft Office XP, 2003 and 2007, jadi nanti anda tidak perlu memasukkan serial number. Langsung saja ke caranya :
  1. Copy semua file dan Folder MS Office dari CD ke Hardisk (komputer)
  2. Lihat di folder \Files\Setup cari file Setup.ini, kemudian klik kanan Setup.ini, pilih propertis dan unchecklist pada Read Only
  3. Buka file Setup.ini dengan Notepad dan pada baris bawah [Options] tambahkan PIDKEY=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY, ganti ABCD.. dengan serial number diatas. kemudian save
Untuk Office 2007, file yang perlu dirubah adalah berbeda dengan Office XP atau 2003. Lihat pada folder Enterprise.WW atau Standard.WW atau Pro.WW pada the Office 2007 installer. Edit file config.xml hapus <–! dan –> kemudian isi PIDKEY dengan serial number.

Download Office 2007 in Here
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The Simpsons Series

Thanks To Uploader

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UleadVideo Studio 4.1

Ulead VideoStudio Plus is a friendly, powerful application for editing video with excellent results.
Ulead VideoStudio Plus’s outstanding features include:
- Video editing: powerful set of tools to create videos, step-by-step;
- Built-in editing wizard: helps beginners to create interesting designs;
- Wizard for creating customised DVDs with menus, subtitles, music and more;
- Support for high-definition video: produce HD DVD videos to take full advantage of your panoramic television and surround sound system;
- Create audiovisual presentations;
- Support for 5.1 surround sound;
- Automatic colour and tone filters to correct films made in bad lighting conditions;
- Automatic filters for eliminating digital noise;
- Support for MPEG-4 and H.264 to create video compatible with mobile devices;
- Built-in video player with support for AVCHD, MPEG-2 HD and WMV-HD.
In short, Ulead VideoStudio Plus is a powerful editor to keep in mind.

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STEP UP 3D by www.TheHack3r.comDate Released : 6 August 2010
Quality : BDRip
Info :
Starring : Rick Malambri, Adam G. Sevani, Sharni Vinson
Genre : Drama | Music | Romance

Download Indonesian Subtitle
[500MB-mkv](join dengan hj-split)
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R E S E N S I [Indonesian]

Setiap orang berhak mendapat kesempatan meraih cita dan impian, sayang beberapa orang hanya mendapat satu kesempatan indah itu sekali saja. Seperti itulah fenomena yang tengah dihadapi TylerGage (Channing Tatum), pemuda pemberontak, keras kepala, liar, dan semau gue yang lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di jalanan Baltimore.

Seperti layaknya pemuda seusianya, yang lebih mengedepankan ego dan idealisme, Tyler lebih banyak melalui hidup di antara mimpi-mimpinya yang belum terwujud dan ambisi meraih impian itu.

Suatu hari Tyler bersama dua sohibnya Mac (Damaine Radcliff) dan Skinny (De’Shawn Washington) membuat membuat onar di sebuah pesta yang digelar Maryland School of Arts, sekolah seni bergengsi yang mayoritas muridnya berasal dari anak-anak orang kaya.

Buntut keonaran tersebut membuat Tyler wajib menjalani hukuman selama 200 jam di Maryland School of Arts.

Bagi Tyler, yang memang kerap terlibat berbagai masalah, hukuman membersihkan jendela, menyapu, mengepel dan melakukan aktivitas bersih-bersih bukanlah masalah berat. Tyler merasa enjoy dengan hukuman yang harus ditebusnya, mengingat hukuman ini lebih enteng dibanding hukuman yang pernah dialaminya, seperti saat dia ketahunan mencuri mobil bareng dua sohibnya.

Saat melakukan ritual bersih-bersihnya, Tyler bertemu Nora (Jenna Dewan), murid senior Maryland School, di kelas dansa. Sebuah pertemuannya yang tanpa disadari Tyler akan menjadi jalan pembuka mimpi-mimpinya.

Kesempatan itu datang saat Nora dilanda kebingungan mempersiapkan ujian choreographed recital untuk mendapat beasiswa. Nora butuh seorang partner yang benar-benar bisa mendampinginya tampil mengesankan di hadapan penguji, sayang impiannya kandas setelah partnernya Andrew (Tim Lacatena) terpaksa harus mengundurkan diri karena cedera pergelangan kaki.

R E V I E W [English]

Everyone is entitled to have the opportunity achieve goals and dreams, unfortunately some people only get one chance it was beautiful once. Such is the phenomenon facing TylerGage (Channing Tatum), the young rebel, stubborn, wild, and likes it that I spent more time on the streets of Baltimore.

Like a young age, that emphasizes the ego and idealism, Tyler more through the life of his dreams and ambitions that have not materialized achieve that dream.

One day Tyler with two sohibnya Mac (Damaine Radcliff) and Skinny (De'Shawn Washington) make a troublemaker at a party held by the Maryland School of Arts, prestigious art schools that a majority of students come from rich people's children.

Oxtail hullabaloo makes Tyler mandatory sentence of 200 hours at the Maryland School of Arts.

For Tyler, who was often involved a variety of problems, punishment cleaning windows, sweeping, mopping and cleaning activity is not a weight problem. Tyler felt the punishment should enjoy ditebusnya, given lighter punishment than the punishment that never happened, like when he stole the car with my two ketahunan sohibnya.

When performing the ritual cleaning, Tyler meets Nora (Jenna Dewan), a senior disciple of Maryland School, in a dance class. An unwitting encounter Tyler will be opening the way his dreams.

The opportunity came when Nora was hit by confusion choreographed recital exams to prepare for a scholarship. Nora needs a partner who could really impressed with him appearing before the examiner, love dreams foundered after his partner Andrew (Tim Lacatena) was forced to resign because of an ankle injury.

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