![SPY KIDS 3-D: GAME OVER by www.TheHack3r.com](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WmkDo4cI3bE/TZR45Tj_TDI/AAAAAAAAB0s/3XREfeIdctM/SpyKids3D.TheHack3r.com.jpg)
Quality : BRRip
Info : www.imdb.com/title/tt0338459
Starring : Daryl Sabara, Alexa Vega and Antonio Banderas
Genre : Action | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Sci-Fi
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Si tokoh jahat yang berjulukan Toymaker adalah seorang pencipta game bertema virtual-reality bernuansa 3 dimensi dengan berbagai rintangan yang sengaja dibuat untuk menjadi ujian terberat bagi dua anak keluarga Cortez yang dikenal sangat cerdik, Juni dan Carmen Cortez. Aksi mereka kini tidak seorang diri. Sang ayah Gregorio tidak mau kalah dan berperan besar membantu anak-anaknya menghadapi berbagai teka-teki yang disuguhkan lawannya, selain itu sang kakek juga tidak ketinggalan.
Selain anggota keluarga, mereka juga dibantu oleh beberapa rekan seumurnya demi menyelamatkan dunia (khususnya kaum remaja dan anak-anak) dari bahaya permainan Toymaker, yang ternyata didesain dengan maksud licik tersembunyi. Berbeda dengan film sebelumnya, sekuel ketiga "Spy Kids" ini menghadirkan sebuah terobosan baru dimana para penonton dapat menikmati aksi Juni dan Carmen di alam video game dengan memakai kaca mata 3-dimensi yang disediakan.
Ketika pertama kali diputar tahun 2001, banyak orang yang meragukan kesuksesan film "Spy Kids", mengingat tokoh utama dalam film adalah anak-anak kecil yang dianggap belum punya pengalaman akting, sementara bintang senior seperti Antonio Banderas hanya diberikan peran kecil. Namun pandangan miring tersebut hilang dengan sendirinya ketika film ini berhasil menduduki tangga box-office selama beberapa minggu, dan menciptakan trend baru di dunia film. Dua bintang utamanya Alexa Vega dan Darryl Sabara langsung dikenal banyak orang.
Menemani para bintang cilik (beranjak remaja) adalah Antonio Banderas, yang namanya telah dikenal sebagai bintang film action seperti "Desperado", "Assasin" (keduanya tahun 1995) dan "The Mask of Zorro" (1998); serta Carla Gugino yang mengulangi peran mereka sebagai pasangan suami-istri Gregorio dan Inggrid Cortez. Sementara sang kakek diperankan bintang gaek Ricardo Montalban yang mungkin namanya masih Anda ingat melalui film "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" sebagai tokoh antagonis utama.
Musuh utama keluarga Cortez adalah Sylvester Stallone, bintang laga yang belakangan mulai meninggalkan peran stereotip sebagai jagoan dan beralih 'profesi' sebagai tokoh antagonis. Bagi yang menyukai film-film tahun 80 dan awal 90-an, nama Stallone sudah tidak asing lagi dengan film-film seperti tiga sekuel "Rambo", "Over The Top", "Cliffhanger", "Judge Dredd", dan lima sekuel "Rocky" yang rencananya akan dibuat seri keenam.
Sutradara Robert Rodriguez sebelumnya juga telah menangani dua sekuel pertama franchise "Spy Kids" sebelumnya. Namanya pertama kali merebut perhatian pecinta film melalui debutnya menyutradarai film berbujet kecil "El Mariachi" (1993) bersama sobatnya Quentin Tarantino, yang belakangan di'Amerika'kan menjadi "Desperado" (1995) yang dibintangi Antonio Banderas. Belakangan namanya berkibar setelah dipercaya menangani tiga film bertema horor "Form Dusk Till Dawn" (1996), "Mimic" (1997), dan "The Faculty" (1998).
Selain anggota keluarga, mereka juga dibantu oleh beberapa rekan seumurnya demi menyelamatkan dunia (khususnya kaum remaja dan anak-anak) dari bahaya permainan Toymaker, yang ternyata didesain dengan maksud licik tersembunyi. Berbeda dengan film sebelumnya, sekuel ketiga "Spy Kids" ini menghadirkan sebuah terobosan baru dimana para penonton dapat menikmati aksi Juni dan Carmen di alam video game dengan memakai kaca mata 3-dimensi yang disediakan.
Ketika pertama kali diputar tahun 2001, banyak orang yang meragukan kesuksesan film "Spy Kids", mengingat tokoh utama dalam film adalah anak-anak kecil yang dianggap belum punya pengalaman akting, sementara bintang senior seperti Antonio Banderas hanya diberikan peran kecil. Namun pandangan miring tersebut hilang dengan sendirinya ketika film ini berhasil menduduki tangga box-office selama beberapa minggu, dan menciptakan trend baru di dunia film. Dua bintang utamanya Alexa Vega dan Darryl Sabara langsung dikenal banyak orang.
Menemani para bintang cilik (beranjak remaja) adalah Antonio Banderas, yang namanya telah dikenal sebagai bintang film action seperti "Desperado", "Assasin" (keduanya tahun 1995) dan "The Mask of Zorro" (1998); serta Carla Gugino yang mengulangi peran mereka sebagai pasangan suami-istri Gregorio dan Inggrid Cortez. Sementara sang kakek diperankan bintang gaek Ricardo Montalban yang mungkin namanya masih Anda ingat melalui film "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" sebagai tokoh antagonis utama.
Musuh utama keluarga Cortez adalah Sylvester Stallone, bintang laga yang belakangan mulai meninggalkan peran stereotip sebagai jagoan dan beralih 'profesi' sebagai tokoh antagonis. Bagi yang menyukai film-film tahun 80 dan awal 90-an, nama Stallone sudah tidak asing lagi dengan film-film seperti tiga sekuel "Rambo", "Over The Top", "Cliffhanger", "Judge Dredd", dan lima sekuel "Rocky" yang rencananya akan dibuat seri keenam.
Sutradara Robert Rodriguez sebelumnya juga telah menangani dua sekuel pertama franchise "Spy Kids" sebelumnya. Namanya pertama kali merebut perhatian pecinta film melalui debutnya menyutradarai film berbujet kecil "El Mariachi" (1993) bersama sobatnya Quentin Tarantino, yang belakangan di'Amerika'kan menjadi "Desperado" (1995) yang dibintangi Antonio Banderas. Belakangan namanya berkibar setelah dipercaya menangani tiga film bertema horor "Form Dusk Till Dawn" (1996), "Mimic" (1997), dan "The Faculty" (1998).
R E V I E W [English]
The villain who nicknamed Toymaker is a creator of virtual-reality-themed game nuanced 3-D with various obstacles that deliberately created to be the toughest test for the Cortez family of two children known to be very clever, June and Carmen Cortez. Their action today is not alone. The father Gregorio did not want to lose and played a major role helping their children deal with various puzzles presented his opponent, except that the grandfather was also not left behind.
In addition to family members, they also assisted by several colleagues his age in order to save the world (especially the youth and children) from harm Toymaker game, which was designed with the intention of slyly hidden. Unlike the previous film, the third sequel "Spy Kids" brings a new breakthrough in which the audience can enjoy the action of June and Carmen in the nature of video games by using 3-dimensional glasses provided.
When I first played in 2001, many people doubted the success of the film "Spy Kids", considering the main character in the movie are little children who are considered not have acting experience, while senior stars like Antonio Banderas is given only a small role. However, oblique views are away on its own when it managed to occupy the stairs movie box-office for several weeks, and created a new trend in the film world. The two main stars Alexa Vega and Darryl Sabara immediately known.
Accompany the child star (adolescence) is Antonio Banderas, whose name has been known as a star of action movies like "Desperado", "Assassin" (both 1995) and "The Mask of Zorro" (1998); and Carla Gugino are repeating roles their spouses Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez. While the grandfather played by Ricardo Montalban aging star who probably still name you remember the movie "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" as the main antagonist.
The main enemy is the Cortez family of Sylvester Stallone, action star who later began to leave the role of stereotypes as a hero and switch 'profession' as an antagonist. For those who liked the films of 80 and the early '90s, Stallone names are already familiar with such films as three sequel "Rambo", "Over The Top", "Cliffhanger," "Judge Dredd", and five sequels " Rocky "series, scheduled to be made the sixth.
Directed by Robert Rodriguez had previously been handled two franchise's first sequel "Spy Kids" before. His name was first seized the attention of film lovers through his debut film directed small berbujet "El Mariachi" (1993) with his pal Quentin Tarantino, who later di'Amerika'kan to "Desperado" (1995), starring Antonio Banderas. Later his name flying after trusted to handle three themed horror film "From Dusk Till Dawn" (1996), "Mimic" (1997), and "The Faculty" (1998).
In addition to family members, they also assisted by several colleagues his age in order to save the world (especially the youth and children) from harm Toymaker game, which was designed with the intention of slyly hidden. Unlike the previous film, the third sequel "Spy Kids" brings a new breakthrough in which the audience can enjoy the action of June and Carmen in the nature of video games by using 3-dimensional glasses provided.
When I first played in 2001, many people doubted the success of the film "Spy Kids", considering the main character in the movie are little children who are considered not have acting experience, while senior stars like Antonio Banderas is given only a small role. However, oblique views are away on its own when it managed to occupy the stairs movie box-office for several weeks, and created a new trend in the film world. The two main stars Alexa Vega and Darryl Sabara immediately known.
Accompany the child star (adolescence) is Antonio Banderas, whose name has been known as a star of action movies like "Desperado", "Assassin" (both 1995) and "The Mask of Zorro" (1998); and Carla Gugino are repeating roles their spouses Gregorio and Ingrid Cortez. While the grandfather played by Ricardo Montalban aging star who probably still name you remember the movie "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" as the main antagonist.
The main enemy is the Cortez family of Sylvester Stallone, action star who later began to leave the role of stereotypes as a hero and switch 'profession' as an antagonist. For those who liked the films of 80 and the early '90s, Stallone names are already familiar with such films as three sequel "Rambo", "Over The Top", "Cliffhanger," "Judge Dredd", and five sequels " Rocky "series, scheduled to be made the sixth.
Directed by Robert Rodriguez had previously been handled two franchise's first sequel "Spy Kids" before. His name was first seized the attention of film lovers through his debut film directed small berbujet "El Mariachi" (1993) with his pal Quentin Tarantino, who later di'Amerika'kan to "Desperado" (1995), starring Antonio Banderas. Later his name flying after trusted to handle three themed horror film "From Dusk Till Dawn" (1996), "Mimic" (1997), and "The Faculty" (1998).
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